January 30, 2025

Palmerworm – Locust – Cankerworm – Caterpillar.

Revelation chapter 2 and 3, is the message to the seven church age, what they will pass through and how Satan will invade the church of Christ.

In the first church age which is Ephesus, that was the planting of the church, in which satan started his as well.

Satan started with his false prophets in the first church age, in the second church age which is Smyrna, the false prophets advanced to the deeds.

In the third church age, Satan organizes his minister, and the deeds become a doctrine.

In the fourth church age, which is Thyatira, there was a crown given to the false prophets that started way back in the first church age.

That was the age the whole was leavened according to Matt 13:33 (KJV)

Another parable spake he unto them; The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened.

The fifth church age, which is Sardis, God started the reformation and restoration of the leavened meal, according to Joel 2:24-26, God promises that He God will restore all.

Joel 2:25 (KJV)
And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you.

According to the teaching of our beloved brother Branham, the meaning and how God uses nature to explain the four stages of Satan invasion in the church of Christ, and how God’s

the army will restore them.

Palmerworm: What does it do, it begins by eating the fruits of a tree, spiritually it means eating the joy out of the fellowship.
Which was the first church age, the deeds of the false prophets? Saying, you make so much noise, why shout alleluia, stop all these crying in the spirit.

The doctrine of creeds was pumped into their veins, where the spirit of God ought to be running.

That’s why churches are icy and cold and dead, they recite the creed, join the church, etc.

Locust: When this palmerworm dies out, he becomes a locust, locust takes onto the leaves, that is what the palmerworm left. Locust eats the leaves, spiritually it means destroying divine fellowship, which is in the second church age the deeds becoming a doctrine.

That is, he is a Presbyterian, we won’t have anything to do with him. He’s Nazarene, he’s Pentecostal, due to differences in doctrine, the fellowship was destroyed by Satan LOCUST. Eating the leaves off the tree.

What is fellowship? what do the leaves do ?, it makes it cool, where the birds fly in under the leaves.

The leaves where people can come under and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost.

Cankerworm: It goes into the bark, eating and destroying into the bark. That’s the lifeline, the covering of the tree.

What is religion; It means covering.

The cankerworm, after he got amongst the congregation, got them all dignified, then he took all the fellowship away from them, in the form of locust, and now he comes around and takes their religion and makes dogmas out of it. Sets up unorthodox words, forms himself religion and gets a bunch of men together and put a creed down there.

He takes the very religion, strips it off God’s tree, the very bark that bears the sap that comes up in it.

The cankerworm was Rome in that early church.

The bride of Christ is born into the body of Christ, you can’t join it. We are born Christians by being regenerated by the Holy Spirit. Anybody that wants it, the Pentecostal experience you get it, you can’t join it.

This cankerworm takes away the covering, the religion, the doctrine.

That’s the reason our religion is by the Blood. The life is in the blood that covers the word. The blood is religion, and the life in the blood is what brings the results.


Adam and Eve tried that one time, Cain did the same thing, it didn’t work, and it wouldn’t work today.

When God refused it at the beginning, it’s refused for eternity, man-made creeds and thought will never take it.

It’s God’s word has to do it, and the word is by the blood, the sacrifice of Christ.

We are God’s Holy Statues, Body has thou prepared me.

After the cankerworm got into the bark, watch what it did, it made a natural church for a spiritual church, it took away the true and gave it a false.

The fruit the palmerworm eat, the leaf the locust eat, now the bark the covering the religion, the doctrine, the doctrine the cankerworm ate.

Cankerworm – eats the baptism in the name of Jesus Christ.

Cankerworm – eats the baptism of the Holy Ghost.

Catholic called communion Holy Eucharist, which means in Latin word: Holy Ghost, instead of the new birth, is now joining a church.

Purge your souls is now => pay money to go to heaven.

The church is built upon the Apostles foundations, not in saints Boniface or Mary.

Caterpillar: This suck the life, the spirit, it holds the pulp and goes to sucking.

It’s called denomination, why? He’s a destroyer, sucks the life out of the tree.

This is the fourth church age, when a crown was given, the pope.

Every time that God sends a move among his people, every time, and they denominate, right where they die.

The cankerworm got a hold of it, took its religion away, and then comes the Caterpillar sucking away the life, what life was it? Holy Ghost.

Rev 18:4-5 (KJV)

And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.

Rev 18:4-5 God said come out of that setting, out of that denomination, why? because they are sucking the life out, which means death.


Luther  ( Justification ) – Wesley (Sanctification ) – William J. Seymour ( Baptism Of The Holy Ghost )  – Branham ( The Perfecting Ministry )

Justification – Sanctification – Pentecost – The word- Adoption 

Ephesus – Smyrna => Palmerworm

Pergamos => Locust

Thyatira – Sardis => Cankerworm

Philadelphia – Laodicea => Caterpillar